Frequently Asked Questions

You can do so by filling in this form.

No, this is free of charge. The radar is a non-for-profit initiative, we only want to disseminate all data space endeavors out there and promote secure and sovereign data sharing.

You can submit data spaces and data sharing use cases based on open standards (e.g. the IDS standard).

The radar is not the place to disseminate organizations, entities, initiatives, or technologies, even if their focus is data sharing.

You information will be feed directly into the database of the radar, where it will be reviewed based on the development stages and other quality parameters. After revision, if all the content is correct, we will publish it. If we spot there is insufficient information or we have questions regarding the content, we will reach out to you as soon as possible.

It should not take longer than a day. If this takes longer and you have not heard from us regarding the content you have submitted, feel free to contact us.

You can do so by filling in the registration form and indicating in this is an updated version of your entry (e.g. adding “(Update)” to the title of your entry). You can also contact us directly and let us know what information has to be updated.

This information is needed in case we need to reach out concerning your entry. Your data will be handled with confidentiality and won´t be shared with third parties.